Creamy Mentaiko Pasta 明太子パスタ


  • 2 sacks mentaiko (cod roe)

  • 2 tbsp melted butter

  • 2 tbsp milk

  • 1 tbsp japanese mayo (kewpie mayo)

  • 1 tbsp soy sauce

  • black pepper

  • squid sashimi (optional)

  • lemon (optional)

  • 3 shiso leaves (for garnish)


  1. Prepare sauce - combine melted butter, milk, japanese mayo, soy sauce and black pepper in a bowl (large enough to fit the cooked pasta), slice open the mentaiko sacks and use a spoon to squeeze out the roe into the same bowl

  2. Cook pasta - in salted boiling water, cook pasta till al dente

  3. Combine - add cooked pasta into bowl with sauce mixture and mix until well combined (add in optional squid sashimi)

  4. Serve it up - plate it up, add julienned shiso leaves and freshly ground black pepper on top, optionally squeeze some lemon juice

  5. Enjoy!

Not the biggest fan of mayo / creamy texture? Check out this classic mentaiko recipe instead:


  • 2 sacks mentaiko (cod roe)

  • 2 tbsp melted butter

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 1-2 cloves garlic

  • black pepper

  • 3 shiso leaves (for garnish)


  1. Prepare garlic oil - slice garlic cloves, add olive oil onto pan, slowly heat garlic slices to create garlic-infused oil

  2. Prepare sauce - combine melted butter, garlic oil and black pepper in a bowl (large enough to fit the cooked pasta), slice open the mentaiko sacks and use a spoon to squeeze out the roe into the same bowl

  3. Cook pasta - in salted boiling water, cook pasta till al dente

  4. Combine - add cooked pasta into bowl with sauce mixture and mix until well combined

  5. Serve it up - plate it up, add julienned shiso leaves and freshly ground black pepper on top

  6. Enjoy!