Spicy Stir-Fried Seafood Udon 해물 볶음우동


  • 2 packs udon noodles

  • 1/4 lb bay scallops

  • 2 squid tubes

  • 3 squid tentacles

  • 6 shrimp

  • 1 tbsp mirin (for seafood)

  • 1 tbsp soy sauce (for seafood)

  • pinch of black pepper

  • 10 cloves chopped garlic

  • 1/2 tsp chopped ginger

  • 1/2 sliced large carrot

  • 1/2 sliced onion

  • 1/2 sliced zucchini

  • 4 stalks green onions

  • 4 tbsp gochugaru (for sauce)

  • 5 tbsp soy sauce (for sauce)

  • 2 tbsp oyster sauce (for sauce)

  • 2 tbsp mirin (for sauce)

  • 1/4 tsp hondashi (for sauce)

  • sesame seeds (for garnish)


  1. Prepare seafood - marinate seafood in seafood ingredients for 15 minutes

  2. Prepare ingredients & sauce - slice carrot, onion, zucchini, cut green onions into 2-inch pieces, chop ginger and garlic, combine all sauce ingredients

  3. Cook noodles - cook noodles in boiling water according to package instructions, then rinse under cold water

  4. Stir-fry - in skillet, add cooking oil, add chopped garlic and ginger (30 sec), add carrot and onion, then seafood, then zucchini, pour sauce and add in udon noodles, mix until well incorporated, then add green onions, and mix again

  5. Serve it up - serve in a plate or bowl, drizzle with sesame oil and garnish with sesame seeds

  6. Enjoy!